Term 2 Integrated Topic

Term 2 Integrated Topic: Change is part of life
I am learning to... 
  • express my understanding of Change
  • explain how a plant change

Success Criteria
  • I can express my understanding of change
  • I can sequencing how a seed changes into a plant

Teacher instruction: Use play dough or crayons to create a picture or make something to show me what you know about change.  

Teacher question: What have you made to show me what you know about change.

  • At the beginning (before teaching):

Student reflection
  •  Then - I thought . . .  
    This is a butterfly and it’s eye is changing to a different colour.

Student reflection
  •  Now - I know . . .  
    This is a apple seed and it turns into a big apple tree.  It needs some water and sun to grow and some roots.

  • At the end:

Term 2 Writing

Term 2 Writing

Writing Learning Intentions:

Before I start writing
  •  I can use my picture to share what I am going to write about (Writing Objective)
During writing
  •  I can use my iPod to scan QR Codes to obtain tricky describing words to enhance and describe my story. 
  • I can explain what I need to do if I get stuck with choosing the best describing word for my story. 
After writing 
  •  I can share my story with my buddy.  
  •  I ask my buddy if my describing word matches my picture.
  •  I shared my story with my buddy.
Success Criteria:  

I will know I have done this when I 
  •  draw a detailed picture plan
  •  use some adjectives to described my picture
  • use my iPod to scan QR Codes to obtain describing words.

Teacher Comment:  

I like the way you story created a picture in my mind.
I like the way your words match your picture.

Term 2 Maths Statistics

This term we are learning to:
  • sort objects into categories for display
  • present information on pictograph
  • make a display of the data collected
  • make statements about data displays

Success Criteria:
  • data will be sorted and displayed in a pictograph 
  • make a statement about my pictograph

Student reflection:

If you look at your graph, what can you tell me about it?

The most is the angry people and the least is the surprised ones.  The second least one is the happy people with 3.  The tired people are only 4 and the sad people are 5.